Friday, August 7, 2009

Tomorrow is the BIG day !!!

080809… Another significant date to me for my new journey. MMU 10th Convocation in year 2009, where I’m going to graduate as a master. Although it might sounds normal for those who are already have own their master before; but I’m so glad I’ve made it until this way.

Wait for another 2 years, I hope to complete my PhD …. Maybe that time, people might think I’m already a mad person. Hohohohohohoho….

See you all at my convocation tomorrow at Cyberjaya …. (** I mean for those who able to make it)



  1. congratulation. wish you have bright future.

  2. congratulation. !!
    You did it again !!

    Yahoo !!!
    Go Go PHD !!
    happy for you !!
    Also happy for all my secondary school because SMKTC is bad school but ... come out is quality students and good.

