Sunday, July 18, 2010

Diarrhea experience

Last Friday, I had my routine class like usual at MMU. Everything seems okay until reach evening. I went out with my dad buy dinner for my mum and granma. We went out to the Chinese makan stall as we used to visit. I don’t felt like eating much, so just order a soup plus plain rice. Additional, just ordered a Chinese ice tea. After eat, I went to buy their dinner which actually is just opposite the makan stall. Right after I walked across to the place, my stomach started to pain.

“Hmmm….. well well, I guess just like normal stomachache….” This was my first taught at the moment. So I was still happy to tell my dad that… “Hey, why not we go for driving range tonight? Think of getting some sweat exercise.” My dad was so excited and replied.. “Of course, hahahaha I also wish to go”. At the same time I told him…. But let me go to the toilet to do some “settlement” first.

After home, I drop down their food we bought and heading towards driving range. On the way to the destination, I felt something is not right already. Eh??? How come my stomach still keep pain de??? And really feel like going to toilet again. Again, right after I reached driving range. Everything started to change !!!! Hit few balls out, go toilet…… hit few more balls out, again… go toilet. In and out, in and out to the toilet I guess probably got 4 – 5 times. Something really really wrong already. Felt like wanna vomit, but cannot…. Yet stomach keep on pain.

I had no choice but to tell my dad about it. He started to worry, since I can’t even finish half of the total balls at the driving range. So he quickly finishes the practice and straight drive me home. On the way home, we tried to figure out what caused my problem. Since we both ate at the same place, we ordered food there and we did order Chinese tea as well. But his one was a glass of hot Chinese tea, but mine was in ice form. Gossh….. I guess what’s went wrong. We suspect is the ice got problem.

So once I reach home, again I rush to toilet again. My goodness…. It’s getting crazy! More pain plus more frequent to toilet. My parents started to worry. They try to gave me some medicine to easy my pain. But I just can’t…. and I even felt myself pain until 冒冷汗 @_@

I dear also started to worry and plan to bring me to clinic. Coz he suspected me got “food poisoning”. But that time already nearly 11 at night. I told him that if after medicine and reach 12 mid-night also no sign of getting better, he come over to fetch me to clinic. Well, I choose to monitor my situation after taken the medication. Yet, after 12 mid-night, still not much of improvement. I plan to send msg to my dear. But unfortunately, my dear’s hp running out of battery as he mentioned earlier to me where he might not able to reply me just incase his hp’s battery run flat. Plus so coincidence his house doesn’t have power supply, that’s why he cannot charge his phone. Awww….. =(

So I had no choice but to try to eat again the chinese medicine “保济丸” again. Phew…. I was so lucky, after awhile, my pain started to ease. But I already struggle during the night. By the time I started to feel less pain that time was already 2 – 3 am. And still, frequent to the toilet still the same. But at least my stomach won’t feel pain as crazy as before. So meaning to say, I’ve been struggle this stupid “diarrhea” for one whole night until the next morning. Around 6am in the morning. I already felt myself go toilet until 脚软….. walk also no strength.

“Tired + Weak” T.T

At the same time, I felt sorry for my dear because let him worry me. And supposingly we should have meet on Saturday night for outing. But bcoz of my condition, I hv to stay at home to get more rest. Ruin his weekend mood. So sorry =(

1 comment:

  1. ^_^

    Your dear will understand de.
    Don't worry ~~
    Healthy first ya !!!
    Go outting got many chance ya ~~
    Next week also can ya !!

    But is happy to said out ya ~~
    Sorry ya ~
