Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Moody day

Why am I so careless de??? I scratched my leg again…. Bleed like mad !!!!! Just got healed from the foot blister and now got a deep cut below my knee. I dunno how I walk, wonder am I walking properly or didn’t see while walking. Keep knock here, cut there, scratch here, bang there !!!!!

OMG……. I need treatment, to clear all the ugly scars away =(

By the way, I wish I could have a lot of cash voucher to do shopping now. Coz I miss shopping a lot! Since no income liao, everything have to save…. Dare not spend too much, but end up like starving on the “shopping moment”. Man, can you imagine how pitty it is when you see something you really like; but you cannot buy bcoz of short of $$$??? Some people said “What la you, buy first la; later only think about paying back” Huhuhuhu…. Say is easy, but when u think of paying back later; cry also no tears man….

I'm crazy about few things… but all need quite amount cash to get it.

- Coach Poppy Graffiti Groovy Handbag (Super duper expensive!!!)

- Digital camera from Casio Exilim EX-Z2 (But in a sweeter + limited edition) Hello kitty 35th anniversary celebration, all in pinkish colour plus bling bling all around the lense. Don’t think Malaysia got such version.

- Guess purse that I saw in Isetan (The one and only left… ng ser dak buy coz no more new stock d)

- A more comfy pair of shoes for myself (Which will not cause the appearance of foot blister again)

- and so on…… Body spa, bla bla bla...(More to count, infinity……. @_@)

Money ar….. where are you?????

1 comment:

  1. ^_^

    Money money !!
    Go home photostate it .
    hehe !!!

    So need find more money ya !!
    Vitamin M
    haha ~~
